Mopa Mopa

as a store, is the result of the artists tenacious efforts against the massification wave taking over the craft industry. With it’s complexity, the Barniz de Pasto decorative process has a natural barrier that prevents any duplication or counterfeiting practices. And so the historical background that adorns each Mopa Mopa masterpiece makes them exceptional and one of a kind.

Because of this we have been effortlessly working elbow to elbow with the artists explaining to the consumer the radical differences between art and craft. The strategy put into place is one and only one, to offer high quality and originality in the execution of the product.

As a logic collateral of excellence, the quality of life of the artist past and present was improved. In reaching that goal the adjustment of prices to the mastery of the product, was an important tool. In other words, “rewarding the artist’s work in a fair and meaningful manner was the MOPA MOPA leitmotiv”.

Before 1989, the word MOPA MOPA was related only to the name of the principal component in the BARNIZ DE PASTO procedure, but after being selected as the name brand of our art store/gallery, these two words became known by customers worldwide. Our stores are located in the Caribbean island of Aruba visited by tourists from all over the world which makes for the best promotion of this ancient art expression.

The success of MOPA MOPA throughout the years, is related in a great deal to our innovative sale strategy. Our personnel approach the potential customer with an invitation offering to improve his or her knowledge about art, specifically about lacquers. The main idea is not to create an atmosphere of tension classical in the buyer/vendor relation, but a relaxing situation of exchanging ideas. And to “help seal the deal” is, of course, the incredible beauty and quality of our product.